Positive Community Building

The primary objective of the P&C is to foster a positive community surrounding the children at the school. This community involves the students, parents, family, teachers and support staff, as well local businesses and residents. There are a wide range of potential interactions, and many opportunities to positively interact between these elements of the community.

Explore some of the potential opportunities for enhancing the community interaction below. As always, if you have some thoughts please feel free to email feedback, or come along to the P&C meetings.

The intention of this map is to encourage a wholistic view of communication within and throughout the various communities that are associated with the school. Some of the elements of this map fall within the sphere of P&C influence, some fall within the sphere of responsibilities of the school, and many are shared across multiple parts of the community. This mind map aims to identify higher level community development and interactions. Not all of the items identified within this map will necessarily be achieved in the short term, and indeed a number are completely outside the control of the P&C.

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